Plant a Tree! It’s Easy…

Community forestry is acknowledged as one of the key strategies in promoting sustainable forest management.

A $1 donation plants a healthy tree in a community forest. Your tree will absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and help improve the livelihood of a subsistence farmer and their family in a local community.

We plant your tree and verify that it is alive and healthy before applying your donation. You can see your tree by visiting our WIN maps. Check out some of the trees we've planted.

Visit Our Trees

Plant your own tree.

Plant a Tree !


How We Work

Trees4Trees™ is a non-profit foundation focused on renewing the environment and empowering local communities through reforestation and education. We are an organization engaged in "Tree Planting" activities, therefore you can "Donate Trees". We also join in "Community Forestry | Reforestation" to keep the earth together so that it remains sustainable.
Community Forestry

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach him how to fish and he will eat for life…"

This old proverb goes to the heart of what Trees4Trees is all about and Community Forestry is the way we achieve it.


Planting a tree is a small act with a big impact. Donating a panted tree takes just two minutes and will reduce CO2 in the air by an estimated quarter of a ton and will help a local farming family get started in community forestry


Corporate Social Responsibility is a giant step toward a brighter future for everyone. We can help your company to help the environment and local communities. It’s what we do.


We maintain a busy network of forestry and social development staff along with local facilitators in the areas we work. We have data and local knowledge to share with governments and institutions.

Every Tree Planted Matters

Our trees have been monitored twice and are alive and healthy before we add them to our count.

Trees planted


Families helped


CO2 captured (tonne)



Here are some of our planting partners


Renewing the environment and empowering the local communities through the forestry and education

See your trees